Hi, new moms or moms-to-be. It's nice having you here!
If you're like me, you're excited to dress your little dude or dudette in the hippest, cutest, and most expensive clothes you can get your hands on. $60 rompers? You've got 4. And no matter what anyone says, you're going to buy the best. I know. Why? Because I was that mom just 4 months ago. My baby wasn't going to be going through clothes the way other kids were. I had this thought in my mind that he was going to grow at the pace of the tag on the clothing. I even bought a 12 month onsie because I thought, "Oh, this would be so cute to see him walk in!" But guess what? My man is 4 months old and weeks away from fitting into that cute shark onsie that I spent wayyyy too much money on. And guess what? He can't walk. Bummer.
I have learned a few things about baby clothing and I would love to share my thoughts with you so you don't make the same mistakes I have made. I might be able to make you feel better about not buying the trendy clothes and save you a little cash!
Tip #1
Take all the hand-me-downs
All those people who offer you clothes from their kids? Take them. For whatever reason I turned down clothes from everyone except my sister. Whhhhaaat a mistake that was. Kids grow way too fast to be buying that amount of clothes every couple of months (or weeks). If you find someone you can share clothes with, do it. When/if she has another baby, I will give them right back along with the things I've bought. It's officially my number one money savor when it comes to the kiddos.
Tip #2
Get all sizes of clothes
Whether you are buying your own clothes or telling people what size of clothes to buy (at a baby shower or just from friends & family who want to give), get sizes at least up to 18 months. I was only wanting clothes in the baby phase. When I got something that was over 9 months I thought, "Huh, this is weird? I'm not going to need this forever!" Wrong again. We are almost grown out of the 9 month clothes and I am low on clothes already. I went from him having 20 - 25 onsie pajamas to having to do laundry every couple days because we now only have 7 (he pukes so much).
Tip #3
Don't spend too much on clothes
And take this one as literally as possible. $1 sales at Walmart? Stock up. I bought clothes for Oliver that I would have never spent that kind of money on for myself. He has a tiny little jacket that is nicer than all the clothes I own put together and he has worn it maybe twice. Get the cheapest pajamas you can find. I have a favorite brand at Walmart that are regularly $15 but when they go on sale they are only $1. I buy as many as they have in Oliver's sizes. I like them 10x more than the ones I spent a fortune on, and they are so much cozier.
Your baby will grow out of their clothes so quick you'll never even get a photo. This is the major area I know I could have saved the most money on when preparing for my baby bird. I say one or two good outfits for family photos or monthly updates per size and the rest can be basic and cozy. They are going to puke all over them anyway.
Tip #4
Buy gender neutral
I only have one baby, but I plan on having more. I don't want to buy all the clothes over again so I buy as many gender neutral pieces as possible. Space, science, sports, all can be worn by a girl so don't forget to think ahead!
Tip #5
Stick to one theme/color palette
The last thing I would recommend is to try to have all your clothes match each other. We wear a lot of gray, black, blue, and white so that (hopefully) all the shirts match all the pants. Your clothes are only going to stay organized for a bit, and after about a week or two, half your clothes are going to be dirty and the other half are going to be in a clean pile in the crib. Having all your piece match will make for easily getting your babe dressed all the time!
Saving on clothes is the last thing I know you want to do. You are ready to blow a whole month's paycheck on getting new threads for that cute little baby of yours. But don't. Everyone told me this same advice and I didn't listen but really wish I had. So here it is for you. And it's free. ;)
I am always looking for more ways to save, so comment down below with your tips! And if you have any suggestions, send them my way!
You're the best,
Love this! So many practical things to consider!