Tuesday, January 26, 2016


As most of you who know us are aware, Andrew spends his free time doing so many amazing things. Learning French and Spanish, focusing on health and fitness, reading an insane amount of books, researching dinosaurs, and basically becoming an expert at anything he deems interesting.

Well, you may not know that Andrew also writes books. Yes, I said books. Plural.

He wrote his first book when he was just fifteen years old, had an agent by the time he eighteen and was well on his way to even having a movie made about his work. Then the worst happened and everything fell apart.

Fear not, though. He did it again. As of January 8th, 2016, he has officially finished his second book. Nothing. Thats the name of it. "What are you reading?!" .. "Oh, Nothing." I'm not at liberty to tell you what it's about, or tell you much about it. But what I can say is it's A. Mazing. And this is my unbiased opinion and the opinion of the select few he has let read it.

Things are happening fast. Before Ollie is born we are hoping to have it all edited and query letters sent. Heck, we are hoping to have that all done in the next month. Fingers crossed.

Now he is working on his THIRD book. Can I tell you how lucky I am? So lucky. I get to read these amazing books first. And I also get to have a son with these amazing brain genes. Lucky.

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